Residency Information

This page is intended to provide general information concerning residence classification guidelines for fee-paying purposes and will respond directly to questions concerning residence classification frequently asked by students and their families. A complete listing of the residence classification guidelines, Rules Determining Resident and Nonresident Student Status for Indiana University Fee Purposes, appears in each school bulletin and in each edition of the Enrollment and Student Academic Information (here).

Students who want to appeal their residence classification should review the complete listing of residence classification guidelines and should complete the Application for Classification as a Resident Student at Indiana University for Fee-Paying Purposes. The residence appeal application may also be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.

This document does not replace or supersede the Rules Determining Resident and Nonresident Student Status for Indiana University Fee Purposes which took effect February 1, 1974.

Have you downloaded the Residence Classification form?

      • Students have until the last day of the effective semester to deliver their completed application for reclassification to the Office of the Registrar.
      • The application should be submitted via Student Central's Secure Contact Form with the Topic Residency Application Submission.
      • The application should be completed and signed by the student, rather than by the student's parent or spouse.
      • The student should respond in full to each item on the application (including personal statement). An application with missing or incomplete information will be returned.
      • The student should provide additional documentation in any of the applicable categories listed below.
      • Upon receipt in this office, the completed application and supporting materials are date stamped and logged; applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Within two to three weeks of the date received, written notice containing a decision or a request for additional information will be sent to the applicant's Indiana University email address.
      • Emancipation
        Students under the age of 24 who claim emancipation must provide notarized statements from their parents. These statements should indicate the level of financial support provided to the student and the date when the parents last claimed the student as a dependent on their federal income tax returns.
      • Parents moving to Indiana
        Students under the age of 24 who claim Indiana residence based upon the establishment by parents of their residence in Indiana must provide a notarized statement from the parents. This statement must be written after the parents move to Indiana and should indicate the residence, the reason for the change in residence, and information concerning the disposition of their former residence. In addition, this statement should include the name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of the parents' employer(s). If their move is the result of a change in employment, we will need information concerning both former and current employers. Please note: Unless parents are divorced or legally separated, or one parent is deceased, the notarized statement must include information for both parents. If parents are divorced or legally separated, copies of appropriate court documents must be provided.
      • Legal Guardianship Agreements
        Students under the age of 24 who claim Indiana residence based on the residence of a legal guardian must provide a copy of the court documents which outline the need for and responsibilities of the guardian.

Active duty military personnel, their spouses or their children who claim Indiana residence while stationed outside of the state should provide copies of their state income tax returns for the most recent three consecutive tax years.


Non-U.S. citizens who have been granted permanent resident status by the Immigration and Naturalization Service should provide a copy of both sides of their "green card" or copies of other official documents that reflect their status as permanent residents.

Instructions for Submission

All applications should be submitted via Student Central's Secure Contact Form using the topic "Residency Application Submission". Mailed applications will have a significant processing delay.