They can be confusing, and there seem to be more of them every day. Stay on top of IU Bloomington's building code index with our quick reference below.
Note: In some cases and contexts, these codes will have "BL" preceding them.
Code | Building Name |
AC | Cedar Hall |
AD | Auditorium |
AG | 422 N. Indiana Ave. |
AH | The Health Services Building |
AM | DeVault Alumni Center |
AN | 701 E. 8th St. |
AS | Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall |
AT | Armstrong Stadium/Tardy Center |
AZ | Studio Arts Annex |
BC | Buskirk-Chumley Theatre |
BD | Cook Hall |
BH | Ballantine Hall |
BQ | Briscoe Quad |
BY | Bryan Hall |
C2 | Classroom-Office Building |
CG | Godfrey Grad & Exec Ed Ctr |
CH | Chemistry |
CN | IU Cinema |
CO | Eskenazi Wood and Metal Shop |
CR | Cyberinfrastructure Building (CIB) |
CU | Student Services |
CX | Chemistry Addition |
CY | Multidisciplinary Engineering & Sciences Hall (MESH) |
ED | Wendell W. Wright Education Building |
EG | Eigenmann Hall |
EI | Ferguson International Center |
EO | Edmondson Hall |
EP | Ernie Pyle Hall |
FA | Fine Arts |
FE | 800 N. Indiana Ave. |
FF | Franklin Hall |
FK | 504 N. Fess Ave. |
FQ | Martin Hall |
FR | Forest Quad |
FV | Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art |
FX | McCalla School |
FY | 501 N. Park Ave. |
GA | Global & International Studies Building |
GB | Goodbody Hall |
GF | Bill Garrett Fieldhouse |
GG | Griggs Lounge |
GI | Intercollegiate Athletics Gym |
GR | Gresham Dining Hall |
GT | IU Golf Teaching and Training Center |
GY | Geological Sciences |
HC | IU Student Health Center |
HH | Hodge Hall (Kelley School of Business) |
HL | Alice McDonald Nelson Halls of Residence |
HR | Harris House |
HS | Harlos House |
HU | Hutton Honors College |
I | Myles Brand Hall |
IC | International Center |
IF | Luddy Hall (School of Informatics) |
IR | Innovation Center |
IS | Jenkinson Hall |
JH | Biology Building |
JS | East Studio Building |
KH | Kirkwood Hall |
LH | Lindley Hall |
LI | Wells Library |
LL | Lilly Library |
LS | 4th & Indiana - Lewis Building |
LU | Luddy Center for Artificial Intelligence |
LW | Lowell E. Baier Hall (Maurer School of Law) |
M2 | IU Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology |
M3 | Center for Representative Government |
MA | Music Addition |
MC | Musical Arts Center |
ME | Cravens Hall |
MG | Marching Hundred Hall (Ray E. Cramer) |
MM | Memorial Hall |
MN | McNutt Central |
MO | Morrison Hall |
MQ | Mason Hall |
MS | Memorial Stadium |
MU | Merrill Hall |
MV | Mellencamp Pavilion |
MX | Maxwell Hall |
MY | Myers Hall |
MZ | Disability and Community |
NA | Building Not Yet Assigned |
NF | Gladstein Fieldhouse |
OB | Kirkwood Observatory |
OC | Off-Campus Class |
OD | Outdoor Pool |
OP | Optometry Building |
OW | Owen Hall |
P | Music Practice |
PH | School of Public Health |
PJ | 618 E. 3rd St. |
PV | O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
PY | Psychology |
R2 | Journal of American History |
RA | Spruce Hall |
RB | Student Recreational Sports & Aquatic Center |
RE | Read Hall |
RH | Rawles Hall |
RP | Researcy & Teaching Preserve |
S2 | Multidisciplinary Science Building II |
S7 | Institute for Social Research |
SB | Student Building (Frances Morgan Swain) |
SE | Swain East |
SH | Shea Hall |
SI | Simon Hall (Science) |
SM | Music Library and Recital Center, Bess Meshulam Simon |
SW | Swain West |
SY | Sycamore Hall |
TE | Teter Quad |
TH | Lee Norvelle Theatre and Drama Center / Marcellus Neal and Frances Marshall Black Culture Center |
TP | Tennis Center |
TT | Tulip Tree Apartments |
TV | Radio-Television Center |
UB | Indiana Memorial Union Building |
VD | Eskenazi School/Mies Van Der Rohe Building |
VW | Wilkinson Hall (Volleyball/Wrestling) |
WB | Web Courses (class meets online) |
WH | Woodburn Hall |
WI | Wilkie Quad |
WN | Persimmon A & B |
WS | Chestnut C & D |
WT | Wright Quad |
WU | 1127 E. Atwater Ave. |
WY | Wylie Hall |